Equipment Rental
Tracked with RFID

Detailed Equipment
Usage Statistics
ecp on-demand solutions
Equipment Mix Tailored to Your Needs
OnSite/Immediate Rental Inventory
Inventory Managed With RFID
Eliminate Shipping Times
Pod Placement Is Flexible
5% of corporate Assets in a well-run organization are unaccounted for at any one time. The most common reason for the loss is human error, forgetting to check out the asset from a storeroom. Using ECP Solutions On-Demand Solutions, you can bring this number down to less than one percent by eliminating paper and barcode enabled check in / check out processes that are time consuming and error prone.
On-Demand Pod (ODPOD)
The On-Demand Pod uses the latest RFID technology in the industry allowing you to rent equipment or purchase supplies on demand! It’s as simple as walking in and out of a door. We custom tailor the required equipment and supplies for every ODPod so that you have everything you need at your fingertips. With our ODPod, you can save/eliminate shipping expenses, cut down on overhead, and reduce the downtime of your technicians!
On-Demand Space (ODSpace)
The On-Demand Space is no different than our On-Demand Pod except we retrofit your office space, warehouse, equipment/tool room with our revolutionary RFID system and technology! This allows you to better manage your assets and provide you with live visibility at any given time. You can gain usage frequency insight based on asset utilization to calculate your Return on Investment (ROI) and determine if you should purchase or rent equipment. Knowing what you have and what you can use, will increase your profitability without sacrificing your productivity.